Well, we didn’t expect 2020 to look like this, did we? But here we are. If there’s one thing that Covid-19 has shown us, it’s how Cantabrians look out for each other. So, thanks for doing your part to keep our community healthy.
Since we moved into Level 3, we’ve been back on the job. We used the Level 4 lock-down period to put a new business tool into action (see below) and now that Level 1 has arrived, it’s business as usual. We continue to look after our staff and clients, respecting worksite rules, staying safe and keeping healthy.
A strange question
We had a bloke the other day ask us are you guys still plastering?
Of course! We’re thrilled to be working with many clients and suppliers.
Why wouldn’t we be working?
Well, because it’s cold, he said, He thought that exterior plastering was impossible in winter!
We set him straight – the only downside to working at this time of year is having to de-ice the van’s windscreen! Rest assured, the quality of the plaster installation and finish is not hurt by temperature, so there’s no reason to put off that project you dreamt up during lock-down. Book us in today.

After a month cooped up in their homes, the Greg Proudfoot Plastering crews were ready to get back on the tools.

Exterior plastering. Looking good, no matter the weather!
The health crisis helped our business to adapt
We’d been talking about it for a while: the massive amount of paperwork we create, duplicate, and store.
About how sheets of paper can get wet, damaged or occasionally misplaced in vans or on building sites. How printed documents were a bottleneck; they can’t be used by multiple people at the same time. The system needed improving.
So, we did our homework and got ready to switch to a paperless operation. The iPads were purchased, and software was created. When our crew were sent home to stay healthy, they also went home with a new tech tool to play with. And they loved it.
We’ve already noticed a change in the way our business operates. Paperwork (done electronically) is completed faster and more accurately. Site documents are always where we need them to be.
Some of our builder and developer clients were hesitant. “We have our own forms for you to fill out,” they said. We took their form and turned it digital, for our iPad app. It works great – everyone’s happy.
We’ve been in business over twenty-five years, yet we still strive to do things better than yesterday.